Dog fashion season-pink glasses and sports suits in metropolitan shops and salons have brought new wardrobes for the spring collection of designer clothes for the four-alumni. In the capital began a celebration of all secular fashion-monger - Fashion Week in Moscow, where girls and women can see the latest fashion trends and buy a new wardrobe designer. From its stylish hostesses do not want to fall behind and pets, which specialized in metropolitan stores and shops have already brought new clothing collection. As told RIA News Director salon for dogs Denis Vasilev, the peak season in dog fashion at the summer 2007-pink sunglasses and sports suits with strazes. "Generally dog fashion relies heavily, and even copies trendy new items with human fashion-installations, but there are also unique," said Vasiliev. "Last year, the season hit a dog was" Military "style, it is replaced by sports suits with strazes, which posted skull. If you pay attention to the youth fashion, it is the very clothes, which are now, "added the Director of the passenger compartment. According to him, sports costumes for dogs hang on the basis of gender : boys-trouses and coats, girls instead rely trouses skirts. When than most stylish finish to suit this season are brown trouserstripe of trousers. Also in the spring collections presented colored T-shirts and blouses in vintazh style not down with trestles many famous fashion houses. "Another important bar for a way home is a favorite of stylish sunglasses. This year, designers offered special pink glasses, which are mounted on the gum gently on the head dog, and not caused discomfort animal, "said Vasiliev. Moreover, until finally made warmer, stylish dog that is not wet out and not quite ill should buy fashionable sneakers or leather shoes. In another capital salon for dogs in the spring advised to buy fashionable raincoats bright, green or pink, and not to forget about the necklace and bantiki. "With the advent of heat popularity enjoyed raincoats but has not stopped buying and suits, but will soon take their place come fashionable blouses for girls and vets with flounces and strazes for girls," said an official of the passenger compartment.
Russian Dog Style 2007
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11:56 PM
Labels: clothes autumn 2007, designer style raincoats, designing dog costume, Fashion Week in Moscow, fasion for dogs, Russian Dog Style 2007
Google began to update PR!
p.s. it is not a fashion topic, but i could't help mentioning about it.
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10:47 AM
Labels: google dance, page rank, PR update
Pet Fashion Week 2007

In an effort to foster design and innovation Pet Fashion Week is not only a tradeshow but also a designer platform. The designer platforms’ objective is to nurture the development of new ideas and innovation in the pet industry and features multiple design awards, special events and runway shows. The idea is to provide a high-profile environment in which upcoming designers are being presented alongside established ones in front of a high concentration of international media and buyers.
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12:44 AM
Labels: dog styles, fashion pet week nyc 2007, pet fashion show, pet fashion week
Doggy fashion
Dog fashion, you, of course, stay in fashion and try to acquire a "hot" new items. No doubt then that the quadrupeds and your darling looks like that will not be ashamed of them seem to secular Raute, for example, in New York. In any event, keep in mind that the dog is now in vogue especially relevant white straw containers for transportation, a striped bandany-poponki and dark glasses. Of course, not redundant will dog collar from imenitogo designer.
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11:56 PM
Labels: dog styles, doggy fashion, fashion, pet styles
Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (April 2007): Andrea Grant
This month we present you with the lovely Andrea Grant, a fashion model and Camel Cigarette girl who also happens to be a comic book author, in addition to being an Apple fan.
read more | digg story
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11:31 AM
Loved dogs from KUTYUR
Fashion designer dog clothing Maria Baranova claims that overseas all comes almost to the point of absurdity, points dog fashion show, Dog salons and even dog perfumes.But do not think for clothing for favorite dog tackle any "human" designer. Too different technology work. This illustrates the remarkable is that Tatyana Parfyonova, one of the most distinguished Russian fashion, books clothing for their dogs on the side.The differences are manifested in the construction of costumes, patterns, the major joints.Sewing for dogs is much more difficult than for people. The biggest problem in the work-fitting. Even from the professionals it takes many efforts.
Naturally, the clothes are different depending on the season. In the summer of preferred thin breathable fabrics-cotton, silk. Winter clothing made of warmer fabrics and furs.
Changed and fashion-popular summer vets, light clothes, raincoats, winter-heavy, but warm coats, suits and even outright coats. It differs, of course, price. The little summer dress for large dogs cost of a couple of hundreds dollars, winter hounds tooth, of course, will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.
Why must this be done? Naturally, that the focus of the interests of the owners, not dogs. Many people want animals to play the same style as the mistress. It will take a dog with the working wardrobe, sports, festive costumes.
Imagine the reaction of your friends for dog in a costume perfectly with yours. It is not a new handbag or interesting furniture. By the way, Dog costumes are different-even in the form of bags. In a handbag you can take dog in the theater or banquet & will not give up your pussy with it and take part in the secular enforced.
Yoram will be an integral part of the style, divorced style housewife. This is especially important considering the fact that many animals are often very similar to their patrons. Well-chosen costume emphasize individuality as a play, and caregivers.
With time to think about fashion trends.The dog has its own particular fashion, but rather to explore their problematic..Where is easier to rely on taste dressmaking-Man, that does not fail.
Fashion for dog clothes somewhat echoes human.This winter is very popular fur : mink, layer, valuable, fashionable coats. And highlight their help can crocheted details, like scarves and bonnets and accessories, also finished fur.
Hit-season natural pages, which will protect against any cold weather. This winter everything has to be only natural.
Spring trends are being questioned - Dog designers come to a common denominator. Someone said the rule "Military" style, and someone like wind 70th.
There was only one-binding caps performed in the same style with other clothing. Some dogs do not perceive at this event attachment to the beautiful darling not released Hood.
But this is a standard and routine. The trivial suits on order, which did not give room for creativity, with the exception of high fashion. Want products designer-find money.
Unusual orders with fashion is more than normal. For small dogs combi-bags are ordered. That dog suit can drive to move across the street or take a traveling.
In summer you can buy boards from the sun for dogs, to protect their eyes. This is are not a luxury but a necessity, especially during travelling to the south.
Fans of recreation can be offered offered special casual suits that will not hamper movement of your favorites. Orded special dog-small shoes shoes checked on rubber soles. They made cloth and recorded supporter. It is warm & safe for foot.
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2:42 AM
Labels: design, dog clothes, dog perfumes, fashion, Russian fasion, silk, wear design